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📸 Student Yearbook Photo 📸
Hey everyone! This years photo day is Sunday the 25th of September at 2PM SLT
This is a once a year event! Come get your photo taken together with everyone including our old and new students!~
To help the event run smoothly, please arrive as early as you can as it will be busy!
Got work/commitments?
We can still get you in the picture! Get your hands on an Android phone and so long as you log in with a mobile viewer such as Lumiya we can sit you in with everyone!
I'll be asleep!
We've done our best to schedule the event to be during the day for most students - However it is impossible to do it at a time that is daytime for everyone because our students are from all around the world - We understand the time is not great for everyone. We think you'll agree it's still worth being there for - Get an early night if you can , we will make the photo itself as quick as possible so you can go back to sleep after! 🙏
I want to bring a friend!
If you wish to bring a friend, you may do so but please let me know on the day - To manage crowds, the ticket machines will only be issuing student tickets on the day and I will need to let them through. (With plenty of notice, I will likely have my hands full towards the start of the event!)
~ Captain

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