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Hi! New here! I had the privilege of meeting a few members of the student body this morning and I'd like to say thank you to them and that I hope to meet many more of you in the days to come. 

My name is Mika. I'm out on the left coast of the United States, so I live in actual SL time. That makes it real easy for me when something is scheduled in world!. Now, if you take a look at my profile in world don't let the rez date fool you. It may say that I'm 15 but you should subtract 10 of that as I took a long hiatus and just returned in October. I've fallen back in love with SL though and am hoping to find a warm community to become a part of. 

Ooooh, so, a bit more about me... I'm a bit awkward with others at first. I often don't know what to say with others when I first meet them, so if I'm kind of quiet or seem hesitant should we meet please know that once I begin to feel more comfortable and get to know just a few people I open up and often can't shut up. Mmmm... I think it can go without saying that I love anime. I wouldn't be here if I didn't, right? Rom-coms are my favorite. Toradora, Maid-sama, Wotakoi, to name a few. I'd have to say I'm more of a reader though. Light novels > manga > anime. I enjoy dabbling with a bit of writing as well, but I don't consider myself to be any good; just some fun. I have a new found love of cooking! So, you may hear me either fawning over a new dish or cursing myself for ever attempting it. Chinese, Japanese, and German are my chosen cuisines. 

Well, just  brief introduction. I'm usually on for a bit weeknights and try to get on for about an hour before work on weekdays to explore a bit. I'm mostly on during the weekends. Sometimes I'll find myself on for an entire day if I lose myself. I hope to meet you all!

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