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Introducing our New Male Gakurans!





They're here!

After much work, Kokoro Academy for the first time now has male uniforms available to its students!

Our male Uniform has some subtle details of their own that we are sure students will enjoy~



心 is Kanji for Kokoro

Our Gakurans have golden buttons with a custom design by Ni.

Did you know it is a custom during your graduation ceremony to give the second button of your Gakuran to your sweetheart? It is considered a confession of love!




Like our girl Uniform, the male uniform too contains two golden ropes to give a sense of duty. They are placed on the right hand arm - The sword arm - because we want our boys to know that one of the gifts of being a male is strength!

Men have naturally stronger bodies and we want them to consider it their duty to use it for good! Make sure to train those muscles so that you can serve and protect the people you care the most about!

Of course our Uniform would not be a Kokoro Uniform if it did not have our twin hearts somewhere. On the boys, we thought that it looked pretty stylish on the tails of the jacket!


(The girls wear theirs on the back of their collar)



Currently, we have the Uniform rigged to Kuroo and will be distributing it to all our existing students. We will be working on bringing it over to the Kemono w/ Male Chest over the coming weeks.

That's all for now!

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Amazing work Captain and Nihara!

Duckie adores the lore of the buttons , and the wonderful detail and hard work put in!

Congratulations are in order for those creating the content and also to those who will become students and get to sport such a well crafted garment~

Thank you for all your hard work!

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